Model Publication scheme

Information available from Tom Gacesa under contract to the NHS

Who we are

Oaklands Dental Surgery
378 Tag Lane
Ingol Preston
01772 726338

Treating dentists:
Thomas Gacesa
Stella Griffiths
Eleanor Gacesa
Alex Lindfield
Benjamin Trill

Opening hours:
Monday: 8-8
Tuesday: 8-8
Wednesday: 8-8
Thursday: 8-8
Friday: 8-4

What we do

Provide NHS dental care

What we spend and how we spend it

Information on NHS funding and contract targets is available from Thomas Gacesa (Practice owner)

Practice costs for providing services relate to the provision of both NHS and Private care. We have, therefore, apportioned our expenditure to reflect the number of NHS patients.
The total annual expenditure for the provision of our contracted services is available for:
Staff and personnel costs
Premises and equipment costs
Utilities cost, materials and supplies

This information is available from Thomas Gacesa.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

We plan to continue providing NHS treatment at our current levels, information regarding NHS treatment and charge bandings can be found on our website:

For our performance data including performance against targets this information is available from Thomas Gacesa.
The date and conclusions of our last practice inspection are available from

How we make decisions

As a small business we do not normally maintain formal records of management decisions. However, any changes in the provision of NHS services are incorporated into the practice website We may also notify patients via notices in our reception area.

Our policies and procedures

The following policies and procedures are available from our practice reception:
Disciplinary & Grievance
Equality & Diversity
Health & Safety
Infection Control
Radiation Protection
Complaints procedure
Records management
Confidentiality & data protection
Handling requests for information
Practice information is published on our website

Lists and registers

We do not currently maintain registers for public inspection

The services we offer

Services provided are outlined on our practice website
Information about NHS dental charges is clearly signposted in the dental reception area and waiting room
Oral health information is available in various patient information leaflets, which can be obtained from the practice reception. Information is also published on our practice website
Information about our out-of-hours care is available from reception staff, on our website and our practice answerphone.